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A Smile

is the shortest distance between two people. Let our team of providers help you make every smile count.




Dental Care the Whole Family Can Trust

At Colby Family Dentistry, we know your smile is important. With our wide range of treatments and services, we're fully committed to enhancing your dental health, giving you the brightest, healthiest smile you deserve.


Serving the areas of western Kansas, north eastern Colorado and south western Nebraska

"The staff at Colby Family Dentistry is the best
I've ever worked with. We are a special family, and in this
small northwest Kansas community,
our patients are family, too.
We have the know-how you need
and the compassion you won't find anywhere else."
Meet Dr. Bryan Nagle
and his family of dental hygienists
and assistants.


"I love the way my crowns look and couldn't be happier

with how easy the process was!"

— Carolyn A., Colby, KS

"The way Dr. Nagle administered

the Novocain for

my crown by vibrating my cheeks really helped. I was able to get out

of pain. He was fast

and efficient and it 

was the best

numbing experience I've ever had."

— Christine J., Colby, KS

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